#40 of Brendon Sinclair’s Biz Mix will be Live on Monday

by Tailored Podcast on June 23, 2006

Episode #40 of the Brendon Sinclair’s Business Mix will be live on Monday, and is about why taking action to increase your marketing effort is so important to your bottom line.

In the meantime, if you would like to be entertained by my half-marathon training antics, check out the Tailored blog, which has a very entertaining video covering the Gold Coast Airport Marathon track, as well as some great audio.

If this doesn’t tickle your fancy, then stay tuned not only for Monday’s podcast, but also for our upcoming interview with Billy Kirkley, a successful web developer from Brisbane, Australia. Billy’s last interview generated such good feedback that we have invited him in for an encore interview, in which he will reveal more of his secrets of success, as well as a summary of what he thinks will be the “next big thing” in the world of the web. This interview should be available over the next week or two.

Thanks for staying tuned,



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