Next Podcast Jan 11, 2006

by Tailored Podcast on December 31, 2005

The next’s “Brendon Sinclair’s Business Mix” will be on January 11, 2006.

This has been put back a couple of days after Brendon decided to break some ribs playing tennis of all things. He’s currently having trouble talking for longer than 2 minutes, but assures me he’ll be right for Wednesday.

All the best for the new year to all listeners.


Mel & the team

{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

Frank H. January 10, 2006 at 7:26 pm

Sorry to hear he got injured…sooner or later, he’s going to have to accept he’s no longer a young pup! 😉

Best Wishes for a speedy recovery, Brendon!


chris January 11, 2006 at 7:11 am

I’ll assume this next podcast will be on risk mitigation. 🙂


Dave Starr January 13, 2006 at 10:18 am

Either risk mitigation or how not to trip over one’s own feet 😉

Seriously, Brendon, best wishes for a speedy recovery. And Mel’s post made me think … you mentioned several times that you were exploring ways to break up the format of 30 minutes straight of just your voice. Might I suggested that you have been ignoring a valuable resource that’s been very close to you for years, even before the web days? We know Mel is the brains behind the company, we know she’s a valuable resource in web site usability evaluation, etc. Hand her the mic and let’s hear from her.

My life partner and business partner, Mita and I took the first 5 casts on CD along on a road trip recently and she was very interested in the content. She did wonder, however, why you hadn’t worked Mel into the show er I mean podcast.

Best regards


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