#45 BS Biz Mix – 18 Aug ’06 – The Power of Good Copywriting

by Tailored Podcast on August 18, 2006

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Click here to download and listen to Brendon Sinclair’s Business Mix Show # 45

Copywriting: (n) The process of writing the words that promote a person, business, opinion, or idea. On a website, copy includes all of the text on your site.

Brendon and Tina think that good copywriting is underrated. Good copy can mean the difference between no sales and a large amount of sales.

If you are a webmaster or website owner, it is extremely important to understand the power of good copywriting. Just because you understand the ideas behind your service or product does not automatically qualify you to be able to communicate this idea to your potential customers.

1. You or someone else you know, really needs to put themselves into the customers’ shoes and understand the benefits that your product delivers to them.

2. When you sit down and write your copy, make sure you emphasise what your product or services can do for your customers – ie. how it can make their life easier, save them money, etc.

3. You need to cut, cut, cut your copy down to the most important points. Readers, especially web readers are very impatient, and if information is not presented to them in a concise and informative way, you risk losing their interest.

4. Think about the AIDA principle. First you demand the Attention of your audience. Then grab their Interest, create a Desire for your product and incite them to take Action.

5. A good heading is essential. A good heading can mean the difference between someone reading or not reading your article. Set aside some time to think of a heading that people are likely to read.

Resources from the show:

  • Websites that sell – An excellent example of compelling copywriting.
  • copyblogger.com – great tips and tricks on copywriting, with special attention paid to the web.
  • Copybloggers guide – copywriting 101.
  • Magnetic headlines
  • – contrary to Tina’s opinion on writing a headline last, Copyblogger suggests that great headlines are written first.

As always if you have any feedback, we really appreciate it. Feel free to leave your comments on this topic.

Click here to download and listen to Brendon Sinclair’s Business Mix Show # 45



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Charlotte December 6, 2006 at 1:59 am

Hey guys, I can’t get your “Podcasts” RSS feed to work. 🙁 I searched for the Tailored podcast in iTunes and it found two entries and I tried to subscribe to both of them, to no avail.

I really miss the Tailored podcast and haven’t been able to listen since my iPod went wonky back in October. Please help??


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