Brendon Sinclair’s Business Mix Show # 2

by Tailored Podcast on November 29, 2005

There are 2 ways to listen:

1. Use the player above to have the audio stream in now (it’s the one that says BS-Biz-Mix-2005-11-29)
2. Download the mp3 file below to play later, download to your mp3 player, etc

Click here to download and listen to Brendon Sinclair’s Business Mix Show # 2

Show Notes:

* Introduction
* Thanks for taking the survey
* I don’t know how to market your business – but I know who does
* How my wife showed me how to develop a successful resort web site (and she’s never developed a web site in her life)
* Case study of a landscaper learning from his market
* Grab attention in an over-crowded market
* Think differently – you don’t want to do what everyone else does (fail)


* Case Study on Landscaping Story
* Case Study on Resort Web Site
* Contact details – we’d love your feedback

Click here to download and listen to Brendon Sinclair’s Business Mix Show # 2

Brendon Sinclair

{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

chris November 30, 2005 at 7:48 am

Much improved. Focusing on one area (marketing) per podcast is the way to go.

I’m curious the target audience of the podcasts. Are they web developers / marketers / business owners? I’d think web dev/marketers but what do I know.


Tailored November 30, 2005 at 8:52 am

Thanks for the feedback Chris. I now need to move on and get a professional intro, a couple of breaks in there, have sme interviews and perhaps add another person to the podcast.

And get a better mic.

The target market is mainly web dev/marketers but with, hopefully, a little bit for everybody.




Matt December 3, 2005 at 7:52 am

Enjoyed the show!
The 3rd show’s level was way too high & distorted.. a better mic would help. Keep the levels from show to show consistent. Also, it might be an idea to have the podcast in a separate window as while I was listening to your show I wanted to browse your site but clicking a link on your site stopped the audio.


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