Brendon Sinclair’s Business Mix Show #13, March 1, 2006

by Tailored Podcast on March 2, 2006

There are 2 ways to listen:

1. Use the player above to have the audio stream in now (it’s the one that says BS-Biz-Mix-2006-03-01)
2. Download the mp3 file below to play later, download to your mp3 player, etc

Click here to download and listen to Brendon Sinclair’s Business Mix Show # 13

Show Notes:

We have a slightly different show for you this week folks, with an extended version of the Business Byte with Tina, as Brendon is away on business this week. It’s still a great show with some great info. Brendon will be back next week.

Don’t Take Advantage of Your Supplier, The Top 4 Things You Can Do To Get the Most Out of Meetings, One of the Most Important Tests You Can Do on Your Website

  • Introduction
  • Don’t Take Advantage of Your Supplier – Think laterally and reward them before they do the job.
  • The Top 4 Things You Can Do To Get the Most Out of Meetings: Be prepared – set an agenda; Have a focus – make sure the objectives of the meeting are clear; Keep the meeting on track – have a driver; Follow up – report on the meeting outcomes and actions to be taken.
  • One of the Most Important Tests You Can Do on Your Website – How your customers feel about your website can tell you more than website stats alone.
  • A call for feedback
  • Thank you and goodbye

Click here to download and listen to Brendon Sinclair’s Business Mix Show # 13



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