#40 Brendon Sinclair’s Biz Mix – 26 Jun ‘06 – How Great Marketing of an Average Product Beats Average Marketing of a Great Product.

by Tailored Podcast on June 26, 2006

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Click here to download and listen to Brendon Sinclair’s Business Mix Show # 40

Show Notes:

How Great Marketing of an Average Product Beats Average Marketing of a Great Product.

On today’s show, I get fired up about businesses that miss out on key marketing opportunities, that then wonder why they aren’t making more sales. There are many examples of a great product idea that never makes it in the marketplace, or an average product that does phenomenally well because of terrific marketing. I have a couple of great examples for you, namely Arctic Heat (great product with average marketing) and the ipod (average product with great marketing).

The key to marketing your product or services is to take action early and often, quantify every marketing effort as much as you can. It’s better to get up of your ass and do some marketing that worry about making an ass of yourself and then not doing anything.

I talk about relationship building as part of my marketing strategy, and how I am using a hobby of mine (marathon running) to help build business relationships. Tina and I have produced some video and audio for the Gold Coast Marathon as part of building this relationship. Even though it took Tina and I away from working on web development projects that we are currently doing, you should never underestimate the value of building business relationships. Make sure you set aside some time for this, and have fun at it too.

As always, enjoy the show!

Click here to download and listen to Brendon Sinclair’s Business Mix Show # 40



{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

Gezim July 3, 2006 at 9:44 am

Good job in summarizing the points Tina 🙂



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